4 key reasons why you should wait to buy an EV
Switching your fleet to eco-friendly EVs is tempting. But with infrastructure issues, fast moving technology and big price tags – here’s four reasons why it might be best to wait…
London Ultra Low Emission Zones and UK Clean Air Zone
Ultra Low Emission Zones (ULEZ) and Clean Air Zones (CAZ) are a hot topic at the moment. Read our article to discover what they could mean for your business and the best way to prepare as sustainability regulations increase.
Remember your fuelGenie benefits
Does fuelGenie ring a bell? Maybe you still use and love it or you’ve forgotten all those great benefits. Either way, we’re here to give you a recap – from low-cost fuel to our handy account management tools.
Advisory Fuel Rates
Fuel rates are set by the government to determine how much a business can be reimbursed. Find out more with fuelGenie.
Which areas are in the clean air zones
Find out if you need to pay for your drivers to travel through the clean air zones in the UK with fuelGenie.
What’s hypermiling and how can it save fuel?
Companies struggling with high costs are looking for ways to reduce fuel expenditure. One method is hypermiling. In this article, we’ll explain exactly what hypermiling is and how it can save fuel.
Top tips for keeping your fleet safe
A safe and healthy working environment is a basic right for everyone. As a fleet manager, you need to protect your drivers so we’ve pulled together our top tips for keeping your fleet and drivers safe.